High-converting landing page for newsletters and coaching business




6 weeks

Kick-Off bis Launch




Aktuelle Finanzierung

Founder Carina about the challenges before the website:

“When I set up my own business as a part-time job in 2023, I didn't think of getting help with my website at first. I considered myself to be tech-savvy and with an understanding of coherent graphic compositions. I knew I wanted to have a website, so I opted for Wix first.

However, after a few weeks, I realized two things: Wix does have good templates and is easy to use but when you have specific ideas, you quickly reach limits. I'm also very picky when it comes to designs and realized that I could spend hours on them but ultimately lacked the necessary skills to implement my ideas in a framework like Wix.

So I lost myself in details, wasted a lot of time and was still not satisfied with my result in the end.

That was around the time I read a post from Max on LinkedIn. I only knew Max fleetingly from my time at CBS, but the post had some decisive selling points for me:

  • Free places for a launch before the end of the year
    That was a goal that I had also set myself
  • Uncomplicated and free discovery call
    meant to me; I had nothing to lose

So I booked my call without any expectations. I just wanted to “take a look first.”

During this hour, Max listened very carefully to what my vision was, how I wanted to start and where I was standing right now. As a trained bank clerk, I know sales calls and am therefore always very attentive to “free discovery calls.” I'm usually out as soon as I notice that someone wants to sell me something.

At this point, a big chapeau to Max, because I was sold after this call, even though we hadn't even reached an agreement yet. Because his goal for this call was to really understand me and my goals and to compare whether he and his team could really help me achieve them. He got me to critically question certain points, but at the same time shared my enthusiasm for the cause, which felt incredibly good.”

Tailored design and proven components

Especially when launching a new business, there is often no time or budget for big experiments. For this reason, the new namascae website uses proven components for high conversions and a strong personal touch from the founder.

In an initial project phase, the business model was deconstructed and, based on the identified components, a wireframing of the new website was developed. After the wireframing was filled with suitable texts for the final website, the final web design was created. Since there were only a few design assets, almost all content was created from scratch.

In detail:

  • Form submissions are transferred directly to ConvertKit
  • The design exactly reflects the brand personality
  • Animations give a juvenil and modern impression
  • The website is super easy to use
  • Texts and images are editable
Client-First CSS
Custom Code
Design System

The result from the founder's point of view:

“When I look at working with Virtual Entity in retrospect, it was much more for me than just building my website. Especially as a solopreneuse who is just starting out, you have to face various challenges. For me personally, that meant:

  • Standing up for the things that matter to me.
  • Find clear and concise communication.
  • Not to belittle myself in advance and not get into action as a result.

Virtual Entity not only picked me up where I stood (with a financially viable offer for me to start), but they also accompanied me through a process that ultimately revealed my website, but also changed my mindset.

I was challenged when necessary.

I was guided where I felt lost.

And best of all; I was incredibly driven by Max and his team's enthusiasm for working together.

It was a co-creation that I can really wholeheartedly recommend to anyone who is facing similar challenges and is looking for a partner instead of just a service provider.

I am already looking forward to further cooperation and the sustainable development of my further sub-pages.

With Virtual Entity, I now have a website that can grow with me.”

Live Website anschauen
Websites werden weiterentwickelt. Es kann also sein, dass die live Website von den gezeigten Bildern abweicht.

Virtual Entity not only picked me up where I stood (with a financially viable offer for me to start), but they also accompanied me through a process that not only revealed my website, but also changed my mindset. I was challenged when necessary. I was guided where I felt lost. And best of all; I was incredibly driven by Max and his team's enthusiasm for working together. It was a co-creation that I can really wholeheartedly recommend to anyone who is facing similar challenges and is looking for a partner instead of just a service provider.




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